Chapter 3 Filtering and Smoothing

3.1 Filtering

From (Durbin and Koopman 2012, Sec 4.3)

Let \(\vec{a}_t = \E(\vec{\alpha}_t | y_{1, \dots, t - 1})\) be the expected value \(\vec{P}_t = \Var(\vec{\alpha}_t | y_{1, \dots, t - 1})\) be the variance of the state in \(t + 1\) given data up to time \(t\). To calculate \(\vec{\alpha}_{t + 1}\) and \(\mat{P}_{t + 1}\) given the arrival of new data at time \(t\), \[ \begin{aligned}[t] \vec{v}_t &= \vec{y}_t - \mat{Z}_t \vec{a}_t - \vec{d}_t, \\ \mat{F}_t &= \mat{Z}_t \mat{P}_t \mat{Z}_t\T + \mat{H}_t, \\ \mat{K}_t &= \mat{T}_t \mat{P}_t \mat{Z}_t\T \mat{F}_t^{-1} \\ \vec{a}_{t + 1} &= \mat{T}_t \vec{a}_t + \mat{K}_t \vec{v}_t + \vec{c}_t \\ \mat{P}_{t + 1} &= \mat{T}_t \mat{P}_t (\mat{T}_t - \mat{K}_t \mat{Z}_t)\T + \mat{R}_t \mat{Q}_t \mat{R}_t\T . \end{aligned} \] The vector \(\vec{v}_t\) are the one-step ahead forecast errors$, and the matrix \(\mat{K}_t\) is called the Kalman gain*.

The filter can also be written to estimate the filtered states, where \(\vec{a}_{t|t} = \E(\vec{\alpha}_t | y_{1, \dots, t})\) is the expected value and \(\vec{P}_{t|t} = \Var(\vec{\alpha}_t | y_{1, \dots, t})\) is the variance of the state \(\vec{\alpha}_t\) given information up to and including \(\vec{y}_t\). The filter written this way is, \[ \begin{aligned}[t] \vec{v}_t &= \vec{y}_t - \mat{Z}_t \vec{a}_t - \vec{d}_t, \\ \mat{F}_t &= \mat{Z}_t \mat{P}_t \mat{Z}_t\T + \mat{H}_t, \\ \vec{a}_{t|t} &= \vec{a}_t + \mat{P}_t \mat{Z}_t\T \mat{F}_t^{-1} v_t , \\ \mat{P}_{t|t} &= \mat{P}_t - \mat{P}_t \mat{Z}_t\T \mat{F}_t^{-1} \mat{Z}_t \mat{P}_t , \\ \vec{a}_{t + 1} &= \mat{T}_{t} \vec{a}_{t|t} + \vec{c}_t, \\ \mat{P}_{t + 1} & = \mat{T}_t \mat{P}_{t|t} \mat{T}_t\T + \mat{R}_t \mat{Q}_t \mat{R}_t\T . \end{aligned} \]

Dimensions of matrices and vectors in the SSM
matrix/vector dimension
\(\vec{v}_t\) \(p \times 1\)
\(\vec{a}_t\) \(m \times 1\)
\(\vec{a}_{t|t}\) \(m \times 1\)
\(\mat{F}_t\) \(p \times p\)
\(\mat{K}_t\) \(m \times p\)
\(\mat{P}_t\) \(m \times m\)
\(\mat{P}_{t|T}\) \(m \times m\)
\(\vec{x}_t\) \(m \times 1\)
\(\mat{L}_t\) \(m \times m\)

See (Durbin and Koopman 2012, Sec 4.3.4): For a time-invariant state space model, the Kalman recursion for \(\mat{P}_{t + 1}\) converges to a constant matrix \(\bar{\mat{P}}\), \[ \bar{\mat{P}} = \mat{T} \bar{\mat{P}} \mat{T}\T - \mat{T} \bar{\mat{P}} \mat{Z}\T \bar{\mat{F}}^{-1} \mat{Z} \bar{\mat{P}} \mat{T}\T + \mat{R} \mat{Q} \mat{R}\T , \] where \(\bar{\mat{F}} = \mat{Z} \bar{\mat{P}} \mat{Z}\T + \mat{H}\).

See (Durbin and Koopman 2012, Sec 4.3.5): The state estimation error is, \[ \vec{x}_t = \vec{\alpha}_t - \vec{a}_t, \] where \(\Var(\vec{x}_t) = \mat{P}_t\). The \(v_t\) are sometimes called innovations, since they are the part of \(\vec{y}_t\) not predicted from the past. The innovation analog of the state space model is \[ \begin{aligned}[t] \vec{v}_t &= \mat{Z}_t \vec{x}_t + \vec{\varepsilon}_t , \\ \vec{x}_{t + 1} &= \mat{L} \vec{x}_{t} + \mat{R}_t \vec{\eta}_t - \mat{K}_t \vec{\varepsilon}_t , \\ \mat{K}_t &= \mat{T}_t \mat{P}_t \mat{Z}_t\T \mat{F}_t^{-1} , \\ \mat{L}_t &= \mat{T}_t - \mat{K}_t \mat{Z}_t , \mat{P}_{t + 1} &= \mat{T}_t \mat{P}_t \mat{L}_t\T + \mat{R}_t \mat{Q}_t \mat{R}_T\T . \end{aligned} \] These recursions allow for a simpler derivation of \(\mat{P}_{t + 1}\), and are useful for the smoothing recursions. Moreover, the one-step ahead forecast errors are indendendent, which allows for a simple derivation of the log-likelihood.

Alternative methods TODO

  • square-root filtering
  • precision filters
  • sequential filtering

3.2 Smoothing

While filtering calculates the conditional densities the states and disturbances given data prior to or up to the current time, smoothing calculates the conditional densities states and disturbances given the entire series of observations, \(\vec{y}_{1:n}\).

State smoothing calculates the conditional mean, \(\hat{\vec{\alpha}}_t = \E(\vec{\alpha}_t | \vec{y}_{1:n})\), and variance, \(\mat{V}_t = \Var(\vec{\alpha}_t | \vec{y}_{1:n})\), of the states. Observation disturbance smoothing calculates the conditional mean, \(\hat{\vec{\varepsilon}}_t = \E(\vec{\varepsilon}_t | \vec{y}_{1:n})\), and variance, \(\Var(\vec{\varepsilon}_t | \vec{y}_{1:n})\), of the state disturbances. Likewise, state disturbance smoothing calculates the conditional mean, \(\hat{\vec{\eta}}_t = \E(\vec{\eta}_t | \vec{y}_{1:n})\), and variance, \(\Var(\vec{\eta}_t | \vec{y}_{1:n})\), of the state disturbances.

Dimensions of vectors and matrices used in smoothing recursions
Vector/Matrix Dimension
\(\vec{r}_t\) \(m \times 1\)
\(\vec{\vec{\alpha}}_t\) \(m \times 1\)
\(\vec{u}_t\) \(p \times 1\)
\(\hat{\vec{\varepsilon}}_t\) \(p \times 1\)
\(\hat{\vec{\eta}}_t\) \(r \times 1\)
\(\mat{N}_t\) \(m \times m\)
\(\mat{V}_t\) \(m \times m\)
\(\mat{D}_t\) \(p \times p\)

3.2.1 State Smoothing

Smoothing calculates conditional density of the states given all observations, \(p(\vec{\alpha} | \vec{y}_{1:n})\). Let \(\hat{\vec{\alpha}} = \E(\vec{\alpha}_t | \vec{y}_{1:n})\) be the mean and \(\mat{V}_t = \Var(\vec{\alpha} | \vec{y}_{1:n})\) be the variance of this density. The following recursions can be used to calculate these densities (Durbin and Koopman 2012, Sec 4.4.4), \[ \begin{aligned}[t] \vec{r}_{t - 1} &= \mat{Z}_t\T \mat{F}_t^{-1} \vec{v}_t + \mat{L}_t\T \vec{r}_t , & \mat{N}_{t - 1} &= \mat{Z}_t\T \mat{F}_t^{-1} \mat{Z}_t + \mat{L}_t\T \mat{N}_t \mat{L}_t, \\ \hat{\vec{\alpha}}_t &= \vec{a}_t + \mat{P}_t \vec{r}_{t - 1} , & \mat{V}_t &= \mat{P}_t - \mat{P}_t \mat{N}_{t - 1} \mat{P}_t , \end{aligned} \] for \(t = n, \dots, 1\), with \(\vec{r}_n = \vec{0}\), and \(\mat{N}_n = \mat{0}\).

During the filtering pass \(\vec{v}_t\), \(\mat{F}_t\), \(\mat{K}_t\), and \(\mat{P}_t\) for \(t = 1, \dots, n\) need to be stored. Alternatively, \(\vec{a}_t\) and \(\mat{P}_t\) only can be stored, and \(\vec{v}_t\), \(\mat{F}_t\), \(\mat{K}_t\) recalculated on the fly. However, since the dimensions of \(\vec{v}_t\), \(\mat{F}_t\), \(\mat{K}_t\) are usually small relative to \(\vec{a}_t\) and \(\mat{P}_t\) is is usually worth storing them.

3.2.2 Disturbance smoothing

Disturbance smoothing calculates the density of the state and observation disturbances (\(\vec{\eta}_t\) and \(\vec{\varepsilon}_t\)) given the full series of observations \(\vec{y}_{1:n}\). Let \(\hat{\vec{\varepsilon}}_t = \E(\vec{\varepsilon} | \vec{y}_{1:n})\) be the mean and \(\Var(\vec{\varepsilon}_t | \vec{y}_{1:n})\) be the variance of the smoothed density of the observation disturbances at time \(t\), \(p(\vec{\varepsilon}_t | \vec{y}_{1:n})\). Likewise, let \(\hat{\vec{\eta}} = \E(\vec{\eta}_t | \vec{y}_{1:n})\) be the mean and \(\Var(\vec{\eta}_t | \vec{y}_{1:n})\) be the variance of the smoothed density of the state disturbances at time \(t\), \(p(\vec{\eta}_t | \vec{y}_{1:n})\). The following recursions can be used to calculate these values (Durbin and Koopman 2012, Eq 4.69): \[ \begin{aligned}[t] \hat{\vec{\varepsilon}}_t &= \mat{H}_t (\mat{F}^{-1} \vec{v}_t - \mat{K}_t\T \vec{r}_t) , & \Var(\vec{\varepsilon}_t | \mat{Y}_n) &= \mat{H}_t - \mat{H}_t (\mat{F}_t^{-1} + \mat{K}_t\T \mat{N}_t \mat{K}_t) \mat{H}_t , \\ \hat{\vec{\eta}}_t &= \mat{Q}_t \mat{R}_t\T \vec{r}_t , & \Var(\vec{\eta}_t | \mat{Y}_n) &= \mat{Q}_t - \mat{Q}_t \mat{R}_t\T \mat{N}_t \mat{R}_t \mat{Q}_t , \\ \vec{r}_{t - 1} &= \mat{Z}_t\T \mat{F}_t^{-1} \vec{v}_t + \mat{L}_t\T \vec{r}_t , & \mat{N}_{t - 1} &= \mat{Z}_t\T \mat{F}_t^{-1} \mat{Z}_t + \mat{L}_t\T \mat{N}_t \mat{L}_t \end{aligned} \] Alternatively, these equations can be rewritten as (Durbin and Koopman 2012, Sec 4.5.3): \[ \begin{aligned}[t] \hat{\vec{\varepsilon}}_t &= \mat{H}_t \vec{u}_t , & \Var(\vec{\varepsilon}_t | \mat{Y}_n) &= \mat{H}_t - \mat{H}_t \mat{D}_t \mat{H}_t , \\ \hat{\vec{\eta}}_t &= \mat{Q}_t \mat{R}_t\T \vec{r}_t , & \Var(\vec{\eta}_t | \mat{Y}_n) &= \mat{Q}_t - \mat{Q}_t \mat{R}_t\T \mat{N}_t \mat{R}_t \mat{Q}_t , \\ \vec{u}_t &= \mat{F}^{-1} \vec{v}_t - \mat{K}_t\T \vec{r}_t , & \mat{D}_t &= \mat{F}_t^{-1} + \mat{K}_t\T \mat{N}_t \mat{K}_t , \\ \vec{r}_{t - 1} &= \mat{Z}_t\T \vec{u}_t + \mat{T}_t\T \vec{r}_t , & \mat{N}_{t - 1} &= \mat{Z}_t\T \mat{D}_t \mat{Z}_t + \mat{T}_t\T \mat{N}_t \mat{T}_t - \mat{Z}_t\T \mat{K}_t\T \mat{N}_t \mat{T}_t - \mat{T}_t\T \mat{N}_t \mat{K}_t \mat{Z}_t . \end{aligned} \] This reformulation can be computationally useful since it relies on the system matrices \(\mat{Z}_t\) and \(\mat{T}_t\) which are often sparse. The disturbance smoothing recursions require only \(\vec{v}_t\), \(\mat{f}_t\), and \(\mat{K}_t\) which are calculated with a forward pass of the Kalman filter. Unlike the state smoother, the disturbance smoothers do not require either the mean (\(\vec{a}_t\)) or variance (\(\mat{P}_t\)) of the predicted state density.

3.2.3 Fast state smoothing

If the variances of the states do not need to be calculated, then a faster smoothing algorithm can be used (Koopman 1993). The fast state smoother is defined as (Durbin and Koopman 2012, Sec 4.6.2), \[ \begin{aligned}[t] \hat{\vec{\alpha}}_t &= \mat{T}_t \hat{\vec{\alpha}}_t + \mat{R}_t \mat{Q}_t \mat{R}_t\T \vec{r}_t , && t = 2, \dots, n \\ \hat{\vec{\alpha}}_1 &= \vec{a}_1 + \mat{P}_1 \vec{r}_0 . \end{aligned} \] The values of \(\vec{r}_t\) come from the recursions in the disturbance smoother.

3.3 Simulation smoothers

Simulation smoothing draws samples of the states, \(p(\vec{\alpha}_1, \dots, \vec{\alpha}_n | \vec{y}_{1:n})\), or disturbances, \(p(\vec{\varepsilon}_1, \dots, \vec{\varepsilon}_n | \vec{y}_{1:n})\) and \(p(\vec{\eta}_1, \dots, \vec{\eta}_n | \vec{y}_{1:n})\).[^simsmo]

3.3.1 Mean correction simulation smoother

The mean-correction simulation smoother was introduced in Durbin and Koopman (2002) . See Durbin and Koopman (2012) (Sec 4.9) for an exposition of it. It requires only the previously described filters and smoothers, and generating samples from multivariate distributions. Disturbances

  1. Run a filter and disturbance smoother to calculate \(\hat{\vec{\varepsilon}}_{1:n}\) and \(\hat{\vec{\eta}}_{1:(n - 1)}\)
  2. Draw samples from the unconditional distribution of the disturbances, \[ \begin{aligned}[t] \vec{\eta}^+_t &\sim N(0, \mat{H}_t) && t = 1, \dots, n - 1 \\ \vec{\varepsilon}^+_t &\sim N(0, \mat{Q}_t) && t = 1, \dots, n \end{aligned} \]
  3. Simulate observations from the system using the simulated disturbances, \[ \begin{aligned}[t] \vec{y}^+_t &= \vec{d}_t + \mat{Z}_t \vec{\alpha}_t + \vec{\varepsilon}^+_t, \\ \vec{\alpha}_{t + 1} &= \vec{c}_t + \mat{T}_t \vec{\alpha}_t + \mat{R}_t \vec{\eta}^+_t, \\ \end{aligned} \] where \(\vec{\alpha}_1 \sim N(\vec{a}_1, \mat{P}_1)\).
  4. Run a filter and disturbance smoother on the simulated observations \(\vec{y}^+\) to calculate \(\hat{\vec{\varepsilon}}_t^+ = \E(\vec{\varepsilon}_t | \vec{y}^+_{1:n})\) and \(\hat{\vec{\eta}}_t^+ = \E(\vec{\eta}_t | \vec{y}^+_{1:n})\).
  5. A sample from \(p(\hat{\vec{\eta}}_{1:(n - 1)}, \hat{\vec{\varepsilon}}_{1:n} | \vec{y}_{1:n})\) is \[ \begin{aligned}[t] \tilde{\vec{\eta}}_t &= \vec{\eta}^+_t - \hat{\vec{\eta}}^+_t + \hat{\vec{\eta}}_t , \\ \tilde{\vec{\varepsilon}}_t &= \vec{\varepsilon}^+_t - \hat{\vec{\varepsilon}}^+_t + \hat{\vec{\varepsilon}}_t . \end{aligned} \] States

  1. Run a filter and disturbance smoother to calculate the mean of the states conditional on the full series of observations, \(\hat{\vec{\alpha}}_{1:n} = \E(\vec{\alpha}_{1:n} | \vec{y}_{1:n})\).
  2. Draw samples from the unconditional distribution of the disturbances, \[ \begin{aligned}[t] \vec{\eta}^+_t &\sim N(0, \mat{H}_t) && t = 1, \dots, n - 1 \\ \vec{\varepsilon}^+_t &\sim N(0, \mat{Q}_t) && t = 1, \dots, n \end{aligned} \]
  3. Simulate states and observations from the system using the simulated disturbances, \[ \begin{aligned}[t] \vec{y}^+_t &= \vec{d}_t + \mat{Z}_t \vec{\alpha}_t + \vec{\varepsilon}^+_t, \\ \vec{\alpha}^+_{t + 1} &= \vec{c}_t + \mat{T}_t \vec{\alpha}_t + \mat{R}_t \vec{\eta}^+_t, \\ \end{aligned} \] where \(\vec{\alpha}^+_1 \sim N(\vec{a}_1, \mat{P}_1)\).
  4. Run a filter and smoother on the simulated observations \(\vec{y}^+\) to calculate \(\hat{\vec{\alpha}}_t^+ = \E(\vec{\alpha}_t | \vec{y}^+_{1:n})\).
  5. A sample from \(p(\hat{\vec{\alpha}}_{1:n} | \vec{y}_{1:n})\) is \[ \begin{aligned}[t] \tilde{\vec{\alpha}}_t &= \vec{\alpha}^+_t - \hat{\vec{\alpha}}^+_t + \hat{\vec{\alpha}}_t . \end{aligned} \]

One convenient feature of this method is that since only the conditional means of the states are required, the fast state smoother can be used, since the variances of the states are not required.

3.3.2 de Jong-Shephard method

These recursions were developed in De Jong and Shephard (1995) . Although the the mean-correction simulation smoother will work in most cases, there are a few in which it will not work.


3.3.3 Forward-filter backwards-smoother (FFBS)

This was the simulation method developed in Carter (1994) and Frühwirth-Schnatter (1994) .


3.4 Missing observations

When all observations at time \(t\) are missing, the filtering recursions become (Durbin and Koopman 2012, Sec 4.10), \[ \begin{aligned}[t] \vec{a}_{t|t} &= \vec{a}_t , \\ \mat{P}_{t|t} &= \mat{P}_t , \\ \vec{a}_{t + 1} &= \mat{T}_t \vec{a}_t + \vec{c}_t \\ \mat{P}_{t + 1} &= \mat{T}_t \mat{P}_t \mat{T}_t\T + \mat{R}_t \mat{Q}_t \mat{R}_t\T \end{aligned} \] This is equivalent to setting \(\mat{Z}_t = \mat{0}\) (implying also that \(\mat{K}_t = \mat{0}\)) in the filtering equations. For smoothing, also replace \(\mat{Z}_t = \mat{0}\), \[ \begin{aligned}[t] \vec{r}_{t - 1} &= \mat{T}_t\T \vec{r}_t , \\ \mat{N}_{t - 1} &= \mat{T}_t\T \mat{N}_t \mat{T}_t, \end{aligned} \]

When some, but not all observations are missing, replace the observation equation by, \[ \begin{aligned}[t] \vec{y}^*_t &= \mat{Z}^*_t \vec{\alpha}_t + \vec{\varepsilon}_t^*, & \vec{\varepsilon}_t^* &\sim N(\vec{0}, \mat{H}_t^*), \end{aligned} \] where, \[ \begin{aligned}[t] \vec{y}^*_t &= \mat{W}_t \vec{y}_t, \\ \mat{Z}^* &= \mat{W}_t \mat{Z}_t , \\ \vec{\varepsilon}_t &= \mat{W}_t \vec{\varepsilon}_t , \\ \mat{H}^*_t &= \mat{W}_t \mat{H}_t \mat{W}_t\T , \end{aligned} \] and \(\mat{W}_t\) is a selection matrix to select non-missing values. In smoothing the missing elements are estimated by the appropriate elements of \(\mat{Z}_t \hat{\vec{alpha}}_t\), where \(\hat{\vec{\alpha}}_t\) is the smoothed state.

Note If \(y_{t,j}\) is missing, then setting the relevant entries in the forecast precision matrix, \(F^{-1}_{t,j,.} = \vec{0}\) and \(F^{-1}_{t,.,j} = \vec{0}\), and Kalman gain matrix, \(K_{t,.,j} = \vec{0}\), will handle missing values in the smoothers without having to pass that information to the smoother. However, it may be computationally more efficient if the values of the locations of the missing observations are known.

Note For the disturbance and state simulation smoothers, I think the missing observations need to be indicated and used when doing the simulations on the state smoother.

3.5 Forecasting matrices

Forecasting future observations are the same as treating the future observations as missing (Durbin and Koopman 2012, Sec 4.11), \[ \begin{aligned}[t] \bar{\vec{y}}_{n + j} &= \mat{Z}_{n + j} \bar{\vec{a}}_{n + j} \\ \bar{\mat{F}}_{n + j} &= \mat{Z}_{n + j} \bar{\mat{P}}_{n + j} \mat{Z}_{n + j}\T + \mat{H}_{n + j} . \end{aligned} \]


Durbin, J., and S.J. Koopman. 2012. Time Series Analysis by State Space Methods: Second Edition. Oxford Statistical Science Series. OUP Oxford.

Durbin, J., and S. J. Koopman. 2002. “A Simple and Efficient Simulation Smoother for State Space Time Series Analysis.” Biometrika 89 (3). Biometrika Trust: 603–15.

De Jong, Piet, and Neil Shephard. 1995. “The Simulation Smoother for Time Series Models.” Biometrika 82 (2): 339–50. doi:10.1093/biomet/82.2.339.

Carter, R., C. K. And Kohn. 1994. “On Gibbs Sampling for State Space Models.” Biometrika 81 (3): 541–53. doi:10.1093/biomet/81.3.541.

Frühwirth-Schnatter, Sylvia. 1994. “Data Augmentation and Dynamic Linear Models.” Journal of Time Series Analysis 15 (2). Blackwell Publishing Ltd: 183–202. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9892.1994.tb00184.x.