Chapter 2 The Linear State Space Model

(Durbin and Koopman 2012, Sec 3.1)

The linear Gaussian state space model (SSM)1 the the \(n\)-dimensional observation sequence \(\vec{y}_1, \dots, \vec{y}_n\), \[ \begin{aligned}[t] \vec{y}_t &= \vec{d}_t + \mat{Z}_t \vec{\alpha}_t + \vec{\varepsilon}_t, & \vec{\varepsilon}_t & \sim N(0, \mat{H}_t), \\ \vec{\alpha}_{t + 1} &= \vec{c}_t + \mat{T}_t \vec{\alpha}_t + \mat{R}_t \vec{\eta}_t, & \vec{\eta}_t & \sim N(0, \mat{Q}_t), \\ && \vec{\alpha}_1 &\sim N(\vec{a}_1, \mat{P}_1) . \end{aligned} \] for \(t = 1, \dots, n\). The first equation is called the observation or measurement equation. The second equation is called the state, transition, or system equation. The vector \(\vec{y}_t\) is a \(p \times 1\) vector called the observation vector. The vector \(\alpha{\alpha}_t\) is a \(m \times 1\) vector called the state vector. The matrices are vectors, \(\mat{Z}_t\),\(\mat{T}_t\), \(\mat{R}_t\), \(\mat{H}_t\), \(\mat{Q}_t\), \(c_t\), and \(d_t\) are called the system matrices. The system matrices are considered fixed and known in the filtering and smoothing equations below, but can be parameters themselves. The \(p \times m\) matrix \(\mat{Z}_t\) links the observation vector \(\vec{y}_t\) with the state vector \(\vec{\alpha}_t\). The \(m \times m\) transition matrix \(\mat{T}_t\) determines the evolution of the state vector, \(\vec{\alpha}_t\). The \(q \times 1\) vector \(\vec{\eta}_t\) is called the state disturbance vector, and the \(p \times 1\) vector \(\vec{\varepsilon}_t\) is called the observation disturbance vector. An assumption is that the state and observation disturbance vectors are uncorrelated, \(\Cov(\vec{\varepsilon}_t, \vec{\eta}_t) = 0\).

In a general state space model, the normality assumptions of the densities of \(\vec{\varepsilon}\) and \(\vec{\eta}\) are dropped.

In many cases \(\mat{R}_t\) is the identity matrix. It is possible to define \(\eta^*_t = \mat{R}_t \vec{\eta}_t\), and \(\mat{Q}^* = \mat{R}_t \mat{Q}_t' \mat{R}'_t\). However, if \(\mat{R}_t\) is \(m \times q\) and \(q < m\), and \(\mat{Q}_t\) is nonsingular, then it is useful to work with the nonsingular \(\vec{\eta}_t\) rather than a singular \(\vec{\eta}_t^*\).

The initial state vector \(\vec{\alpha}_1\) is assume to be generated as, \[ \alpha_1 \sim N(\vec{a}_1, \mat{P}_1) \] independently of the observation and state disturbances \(\vec{\varepsilon}\) and \(\vec{\eta}\). The values of \(\vec{a}_1\) and \(\mat{P}_1\) can be considered as given and known in most stationary processes. When the process is nonstationary, the elements of \(\vec{a}_1\) need to be treated as unknown and estimated. This is called initialization.

Dimensions of matrices and vectors in the SSM
matrix/vector dimension name
\(\vec{y}_t\) \(p \times 1\) observation vector
\(\vec{\alpha}_t\) \(m \times 1\) (unobserved) state vector
\(\vec{\varepsilon}_t\) \(m \times 1\) observation disturbance (error)
\(\vec{\eta}_t\) \(q \times 1\) state disturbance (error)
\(\vec{a}_1\) \(m \times 1\) initial state mean
\(\vec{c}_t\) \(m \times 1\) state intercept
\(\vec{d}_t\) \(p \times 1\) observation intercept
\(\mat{Z}_t\) \(p \times m\) design matrix
\(\mat{T}_t\) \(m \times m\) transition matrix
\(\mat{H}_t\) \(p \times p\) observation covariance matrix
\(\mat{R}_t\) \(m \times q\) state covariance selection matrix
\(\mat{Q}_t\) \(q \times q\) state covariance matrix
\(\mat{P}_1\) \(m \times m\) initial state covariance matrix


Durbin, J., and S.J. Koopman. 2012. Time Series Analysis by State Space Methods: Second Edition. Oxford Statistical Science Series. OUP Oxford.

  1. This is also called a dynamic linear model (DLM).