6 MLDA Difference-in-Difference
Difference-in-difference estimates of the effect of the minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) on mortality (Mouchel, Williams, and Zador 1987; Norberg, Bierut, and Grucza 2009). This replicates the analyses in Tables 5.2 and 5.3 in Mastering ’Metrics.
Load necessary libraries.
data("deaths", package = "masteringmetrics")
In these regressions, we will use both indicator variables for year as well as a trend, so make a factor version of the year
deaths <- mutate(deaths, year_fct = factor(year))
6.1 Table 5.2
Regression DD Estimates of MLDA-Induced Deaths among 18-20 year-olds, from 1970-1983
dtypes <- c("all" = "All deaths",
"MVA" = "Motor vehicle accidents",
"suicide" = "Suicide",
"internal" = "All internal causes")
Estimate the DD for MLDA for all causes of death in 18-20 year olds.
Run the regression with lm
and calculate the cluster robust standard errors
using sandwich::vcovCL
Subset the data.
data <- filter(deaths, year <= 1983, agegr == "18-20 yrs", dtype == "all")
Run the OLS model.
mod <- lm(mrate ~ 0 + legal + state + year_fct, data = data)
Calculate cluster robust coefficients. These are calculated using a different method than Stata uses, and thus will be slightly different than those reported in the book.
vcov <- vcovCR(mod, cluster = data[["state"]],
type = "CR2")
coef_test(mod, vcov = vcov) %>%
rownames_to_column(var = "term") %>%
as_tibble() %>%
select(term, estimate = beta, std.error = SE) %>%
filter(term == "legal") %>%
knitr::kable(digits = 2)
term | estimate | std.error |
legal | 10.8 | 4.48 |
Function to calculate clustered standard errors and return a tidy data frame of the coefficients and standard errors.
cluster_se <- function(mod, cluster, type = "CR2") {
vcov <- vcovCR(mod, cluster = cluster, type = "CR2")
coef_test(mod, vcov = vcov) %>%
rownames_to_column(var = "term") %>%
as_tibble() %>%
select(term, estimate = beta, std.error = SE)
run_mlda_dd <- function(i) {
data <- filter(deaths, year <= 1983, agegr == "18-20 yrs", dtype == i) # nolint
mods <- tribble(
~ name, ~ model,
"No trends, no weights",
lm(mrate ~ 0 + legal + state + year_fct, data = data),
"Time trends, no weights",
lm(mrate ~ 0 + legal + year_fct + state + state:year, data = data),
"No trends, weights",
lm(mrate ~ 0 + legal + year_fct + state, data = data, weights = pop),
# nolint start
# "Time trends, weights",
# lm(mrate ~ 0 + legal + year_fct + state + state:year,
# data = data, weights = pop)
# nolint end
) %>%
mutate(coefs = map(model, ~ cluster_se(.x, cluster = data[["state"]],
type = "CR2"))) %>%
unnest(coefs) %>%
filter(term == "legal") %>%
mutate(response = i) %>%
select(name, response, estimate, std.error)
mlda_dd <- map_df(names(dtypes), run_mlda_dd)
mlda_dd %>%
knitr::kable(digits = 2)
name | response | estimate | std.error |
No trends, no weights | all | 10.80 | 4.48 |
Time trends, no weights | all | 8.47 | 4.74 |
No trends, weights | all | 12.41 | 4.78 |
No trends, no weights | MVA | 7.59 | 2.43 |
Time trends, no weights | MVA | 6.64 | 2.47 |
No trends, weights | MVA | 7.50 | 2.30 |
No trends, no weights | suicide | 0.59 | 0.57 |
Time trends, no weights | suicide | 0.47 | 0.74 |
No trends, weights | suicide | 1.49 | 0.92 |
No trends, no weights | internal | 1.33 | 1.53 |
Time trends, no weights | internal | 0.08 | 1.80 |
No trends, weights | internal | 1.89 | 1.83 |
6.2 Table 5.3
Regression DD Estimates of MLDA-Induced Deaths among 18-20 year-olds, from 1970-1983, controlling for Beer Taxes. This is the analysis presented in Angrist and Pischke (2014) Table 5.3.
run_beertax <- function(i) {
data <- filter(deaths, year <= 1983, agegr == "18-20 yrs",
dtype == i, !is.na(beertaxa))
out <- tribble(
~ name, ~ model,
"No time trends",
lm(mrate ~ 0 + legal + beertaxa + year_fct + state, data = data),
"Time trends",
lm(mrate ~ 0 + legal + beertaxa + year_fct + state + state:year,
data = data)
) %>%
# calc culstered standard errors
mutate(coefs = map(model, ~ cluster_se(.x, data[["state"]]))) %>%
unnest(coefs) %>%
filter(term %in% c("legal", "beertaxa")) %>%
mutate(response = i) %>%
select(response, name, term, estimate, std.error)
beertax <- map_df(names(dtypes), run_beertax)
beertax %>%
knitr::kable(digits = 2)
response | name | term | estimate | std.error |
all | No time trends | legal | 10.98 | 4.60 |
all | No time trends | beertaxa | 1.51 | 9.02 |
all | Time trends | legal | 10.03 | 4.57 |
all | Time trends | beertaxa | -5.52 | 30.40 |
MVA | No time trends | legal | 7.59 | 2.51 |
MVA | No time trends | beertaxa | 3.82 | 5.27 |
MVA | Time trends | legal | 6.89 | 2.47 |
MVA | Time trends | beertaxa | 26.88 | 18.76 |
suicide | No time trends | legal | 0.45 | 0.58 |
suicide | No time trends | beertaxa | -3.05 | 1.61 |
suicide | Time trends | legal | 0.38 | 0.72 |
suicide | Time trends | beertaxa | -12.13 | 8.28 |
internal | No time trends | legal | 1.46 | 1.56 |
internal | No time trends | beertaxa | -1.36 | 3.02 |
internal | Time trends | legal | 0.88 | 1.68 |
internal | Time trends | beertaxa | -10.31 | 10.90 |
Note: I had trouble getting sandwich::vcovCL
to estimate clustered standard errors for this regression.